Join Carrol Davenport, Hospice of Northeast Missouri’s Spiritual Care & Bereavement Coordinator, as she explores dealing with getting older and experiencing the reality of “life is NOT what I thought it would be when I got to this point”. Many of us had lots of plans for those later years, but instead are dealing with physical issues that keep us from doing all the things we want to do. Join Carrol as she talks through this new reality and what to do when life throws you a curve ball and you need to call on that internal resiliency that you didn’t even know was there. This free program will take place from 10:00 am to 11:00 am on Wednesday, October 18th at the Long Branch Area YMCA on 1304 South Missouri Street in Macon.
>Hospice of Northeast Missouri, a service of Hannibal Regional, is a 5 Star rated non-profit hospice that focuses on quality of life for people and their caregivers who are experiencing an advanced, life-limiting illness. Hospice of Northeast, a partner agency of the United Way of Northeast Missouri, serves Adair, Clark, Knox, Lewis, Macon, Putnam, Schuyler, Scotland, Shelby and Sullivan counties. For more information call 660-627-9711.
WHEN: Wednesday, October 18th
TIME: 10:00 am to 11:00 am
WHERE: Long Branch Area YMCA
1304 South Missouri Street
Macon, MO
Questions may be directed to Hospice of Northeast Missouri at 660-627-9711.